A former linebacker from the University of Tulsa, Dr. Phil McGraw is a popular television personality with a daily syndicated talk show. Dr. Phil rose to fame when he started a seminar called Pathways designed to help individuals realize their full potential. After helping Oprah Winfrey with a 1998 lawsuit, he became a regular expert on her show who was called on to discuss relationship and situational therapy. His show began in 2002, and is one of the most successful talk shows of the 21st century. Potential guests, fans and critics of the show can easily contact the Dr. Phil show about a variety of issues and questions.
Deciding Reason for Contact
Decide if the goal is to appear as as guest, leave a comment on a recent show, ask Dr. Phil a question or receive technical support on his website. Dr. Phil encourages viewers and potential guests to contact him about a variety of matters.
Write the question or statement that you would like to ask or share with Dr. Phil.
Check the document for spelling and clarity.
Read the statement aloud to ensure it is clear and will make sense to the reader.
Contacting via the Internet
Go to drphil.com and click on Contact Dr. Phil.
Select the tab that best indicates the reason why you are contacting the show.
Copy and paste your question or statement into the message box in this section and fill in any other necessary personal or pertinent information.
Submit the form.
Contact via Mail
Write a letter that includes the question or statement that you prepared in Section 1.
Include your name, address and phone number. Sign the document after it is printed..
Address the envelope to: Dr. Phil Show 5482 Wilshire Boulevard #1902 Los Angeles, CA 90036
To increase the chance that someone from the Dr. Phil show will respond to your inquiry, be as specific as possible. Adhere to word counts if submitting online.
To make a reservation to attend the taping of a Dr. Phil show, call 323.461.PHIL (7445). Please note that it may take up to a week for someone from the show to return your call.
Writer Bio
Laura Kalinowski has been a professional writer since 2001. She has written for print, television and online publications, including "The Weekly Standard" and Wisconsin Public Television. Kalinowski holds a Bachelor of Arts in journalism from the University of Wisconsin at Madison.
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