Adults sometimes find themselves so wrapped up in their day-to-day existence -- especially if they have children -- that they fail to make time for themselves to do something interesting outside the home. But with a little planning, adult extracurricular activities can be a healthy, fulfilling part of a regular routine.
Sport and Recreation
Taking part in a recreational athletic activity can provide fun, exercise, competition and camaraderie. Join a weekly volleyball, basketball or softball league, or participate in yoga, aerobics, racquetball or dance. Swim laps or walk with a coworker before work or on your lunch hour. Check with your city parks and recreation department for schedules. If your city has an Active Living or Fit City organization, it may have a comprehensive list of activities and websites for recreational activities.
To the Stage
If you live in a city of considerable size, you may be able to see a different play every week. Check with theatrical companies, community theater organizations and college theater departments. Small theater venues can be a rich source for great smaller productions. If you live in a small town, enjoy what's in your community, but broaden your search to include communities within an hour's drive. Also consider music concerts, dance recitals and poetry readings.
Fun With Friends
Plan a weekly get-together with a few friends at a local bar, coffee shop, bowling alley, park or other gathering place, or gather at different locations and enjoy a variety of activities together. This can be an effective way of getting out in the community and having fun while strengthening the bonds among friends. Alternately, you can meet at a different friend's home each week and play board games, party games or cards.
Volunteer Work
Donating your time and effort for a worthy cause can be a great way to get out of the house and stay active while helping others. You may be a member of a helping organization, such as a Lions, Rotary or Jaycees club, or you can volunteer as an individual or with friends at a local hospital, nursing home, library, youth center or homeless shelter. Volunteer work is an extracurricular activity that benefits the community.
Writer Bio
Laurie Swenson is a longtime Minnesota journalist. She was a reporter/copy editor for the "Bemidji Pioneer" from 2004-2013 and the sports editor of the "Crookston (Minn.) Daily Time"s from 1992-2003. She has won several Minnesota Newspaper Association awards, including first place for an arts and entertainment article in 2012.
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