There are many magic tricks you can perform with a simple rubber band. These are good street tricks because you can perform them anywhere. Since a rubber band is small and hard to see from stage, they are better for a few friends or a small audience.
Jumping Rubber Band
The jumping rubber band trick is when a rubber band seems to jump between your fingers. You hold the rubber band on your forefinger and middle finger with the back of your hand toward the audience. Then you close your fist and open it again, and the band has jumped so it now lies around your ring finger and little finger.
The secret to this trick is simple. When you close your hand into a fist, use your thumb or your other hand to stretch the band over your other fingers. So if you start the trick with the band on your forefinger and middle finger, then close your fist and use your other hand to stretch the band around the nails of your ring finger and little finger. When you open your fist, the band will automatically land on your ring finger and little finger. Because you keep the back of your hand toward the audience, it will look as though the band magically jumped between your fingers.
Melting Rubber Band
The melting rubber band trick involves two rubber bands, one of which seems to pass through the other. Hold the first rubber band looped around the forefinger and thumb of your left hand. Loop the second rubber band over the forefinger of your right hand, around the first rubber band so it goes between your hand and the rubber band, and then over your right thumb. You should now be holding both rubber bands looped together. The trick makes the rubber bands appear to melt so they can pass through each other so you are holding each on separate hands with your hands spread apart.
The secret to this trick involves sleight of hand; it must be performed faster than your audience can watch. First take your right middle finger and cross it under your right forefinger, inside the rubber band. Then take your forefinger and move it around the other rubber band and next to your right thumb. As you do this, keep the rubber band stretched tightly with your middle finger. Then use your right forefinger to stretch the rubber band again between your right forefinger and thumb. If you do this switch quickly, it will look as though the rubber band was always stretched between your forefinger and thumb, but it somehow magically passed through the other rubber band so you could separate them.
Rubber Band and Ring
This trick makes it look like a ring comes on and off of a rubber band. Begin by looping the rubber band through the center of the ring. Loop the ends of the rubber band over your fingers, one over your left little finger and the other end over your right little finger. You will make the ring seem to come on and off the rubber band while you hold the rubber band stretched between your hands.
The secret to this trick is to hide part of the rubber band in your hands so the ring appears to have come off the rubber band. With the rubber band stretched between your little fingers, grasp the ring between your forefinger and thumb. Make sure you hold the ring where the rubber band loops over it so your fingers cover the part of the rubber band that touches the ring. With the ring hidden behind your hand, hook your ring finger around both sides of the rubber band. The band should now be stretched over both your little fingers in a loop, with the rest of the band stretched through your hand up to the ring. Reveal the ring in your index finger and thumb, being careful not to show any part of the rubber band that is hidden in your hand. It will look as though the ring is no longer attached to the band, since the part of the band that your audience can see is held between your little fingers, separate from the rubber band.
Writer Bio
Lisa Baker has been a professional writer since 2001. She has published articles on parenting, environmental issues and religious topics in a variety of print and online venues, including "HomeLife Magazine" and "Pink & Green." She holds a Bachelor of Arts in English from Sweet Briar College.
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