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Realistic Scanner Pro-2028 Instructions

Realistic Scanner Pro-2028 is a device that allows users to scan a wide range of radio frequencies. The Realistic Scanner Pro-2028 can scan police, fire department, armature radio, ambulance, and other transportation radio frequencies. The scanner also allows you to save up to 50 frequencies at a time so you don’t have to scan for them again. It also allows you to store your most frequently used channel and other channels, such as weather.

Turn on the scanner. Turn the volume to “2” and Squelch to “Max.” Turn the squelch counterclockwise until you hear static hissing. Turn the volume to your desired level. Turn the squelch knob clockwise until the hissing stops.

Press the “Program” key and then press “Limit.” Enter the lowest frequencies you want to scan. Press “Program” and “Limit” and enter the highest frequencies you want to scan. Press “Enter” to scan frequencies. Press “Monitor” to store the frequency or the up or down arrows to continue scanning.

Press “Scan” to scan through all non-locked channels.

Press “Manual” and enter the channel you want and press “Manual” again to select a channel. Select “Priority” and input a channel number then press “Priority” again. This sets that channel as a priority channel. You can only have one priority channel at a time.

Press “WX” to hear the local weather conditions on your scanner.

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