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How to Make Secret Agent Earphones

How to Make Secret Agent Earphones. Every secret agent needs the patented "Secret Agent Earphones." These earphones are similar to the earphones the FBI or Secret Service wear. This design for secret agent earphones are not only a costume but also work with MP3 players and other portable electronic musical devices.

Things You'll Need:

  • Electrical Tape
  • 1 Phone Cord
  • Soldering Iron
  • 1 Pair Of Mono Earbuds
  • Wire Cutters

Cut the ends off one side of the earbuds. Cut the ends off of the phone cord. You need one earbud and the plug from the earbud. Leave about 2 inches on the ends of the earbud. Use the cord on the phone that runs from the receiver to the base of the phone, not from the phone to the wall.

Cut or strip 1/8 to 1/4 inch of plastic from the ends of the earbud plug and phone cord. Leave the wire exposed.

Solder the ends of earbud wire to the phone wires. Also solder the earbud's plug to the other end of the phone cord. Your secret agent earphones are now taking shape.

Wrap any exposed wire with electrical tape the same color as the phone cord.

Plug the secret agent earphones into the MP3 or electronic musical device. Place the earbud in your ear and wrap the cord around the top and behind your ear. Run the cord under your shirt for the desired effect.


If you do not want to have a working earphones, strip the wires and twist them together and wrap them in tape. These work well for costumes.

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