Cubicle walls allow workers to have a private space in an open room full of other people. While cubicle walls often consist of metal, wood and fabric, a cardboard cubicle wall provides a low-cost alternative. Use the cardboard cubicle wall until you save up the funds for a real one. You can also use them in a pinch when you need to create a new cubicle quickly.
Things You'll Need:
- Heavy Objects
- Measuring Tape
- Glue Tray
- Wood Glue
- “C” Clamps
- Cardboard
- Utility Knife
Cut six equally sized pieces of cardboard in the size that you want the cubicle wall. Large appliance boxes provide an option if you don’t have any large cardboard sheets. Use a utility knife for the cutting.
Fill a glue tray with wood glue. Lay one piece of cardboard on the ground and cover the entire surface with a layer of wood glue using a glue roller. Line another piece of cardboard up and place it on top of the surface filled with glue.
Repeat the gluing and stacking process until all six panels of cardboard are stacked on top of one another. If you want a thicker wall, use more layers of cardboard.
Apply “C” clamps around the edges of the cardboard wall. Place heavy objects such as books on the surface. Both of these apply pressure while the glue dries. Remove the objects and clamps after 24 hours.
Create the stand for the cubicle walls. Draw the outline of a rectangle that’s at least 2 feet long and 6 inches tall onto a piece of cardboard. Cut out the rectangle outline. Measure the width of the wall and draw a square that’s as wide as the wall along the top, center of the rectangle. Cut out the square.
Use the shape as a template to create 11 more shapes. Cut each of the shapes out and glue two stacks of six together. Clamp together while drying.
Slip the stands into place along the bottom of the cardboard wall. Position them approximately 6 inches in from the wall’s edges on either side. Glue them in place with wood glue.
Once the cardboard wall is complete, you can decorate it with paint, fabric or any other thin material.
- Once the cardboard wall is complete, you can decorate it with paint, fabric or any other thin material.
Writer Bio
Sarah Schreiber has been writing since 2004, with professional experience in the nonprofit and educational sectors as well as small business. She now focuses on writing about travel, education and interior decorating and has been published on Trazzler and various other websites. Schreiber received a Bachelor of Arts in mass communications.
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