Purse bingo is an excellent icebreaker at a gathering of women, such as a bridal shower. Unlike standard bingo, where players fill in game-card spaces that match numbers called at random, purse bingo players aren't given a game piece -- because they bring their own. Each participant uses her own purse as the playing card, with the goal of being the last player standing in this party game.
Select a caller for the game. The caller will not be eligible to win.
Distribute the purses of all other players to their owners. Each player must hold her own purse, so she can easily look through it.
Instruct the caller to shout out an item that might be found in an average purse. Start with common items, such as a wallet, makeup or phone. Then, move to less common purse items, such as mints, headache medication or tissues.
Check the items presented by the players, with each active player removing the called item from her purse and holding it up for inspection.
Tell any players who do not have the most recent called item to sit down. They are now out of play.
Have the caller continue naming off items, one by one, gradually decreasing the likelihood an item would be in a purse. Keep calling out items until only a single player, the winner, remains standing.
Reward the winner of the game with a party gift.
If all remaining players lack the most recent item called, simply continue the game with those players who would have been eliminated that round.