There can be quite a bit of familial battling in the game of “Family Feud.” When you increase the number of available players, a game designed for ten players can become unmanageable. To play “Family Feud” with a large group of players, you can turn the game into a tournament and use players as your survey pool for an unlimited number of questions. This will allow a large group, such as a company retreat or classroom of students, to all participate in the game.
Divide the group into an even number of teams. Each team should have around five members. For example, if your group features 30 people, then you will split into six teams of five people.
Choose two teams to play in the first round. Have these two teams leave the room.
Gather the remaining players and hand out surveys to fill out. The surveys should include items such as “name a type of car” or “name something you find in your bathroom.” Each survey should include five questions.
Count up the responses before the two teams re-enter the room. Call up one member from each team to begin the round.
Ask the players to give a response to the first item on the previously given survey. Use a buzzer or have players smack their hand on a table before giving an answer. The player who gives the most popular answer as determined by the number of previously given responses, wins the chance for their team to gain additional points.
Instruct each member of the winning side to list one answer. If the answer was given by the respondents, the team gains one point for each person who chose the answer in the survey. If the answer does not appear, the team gets one strike. Three strikes and the turn ends.
Repeat the process five times with the rest of the members of the two teams. The team with the most points wins the round.
Choose two additional teams to leave the room for the next round. Repeat the survey process with different questions.
Instruct the winners of each round to face off against other winning teams in a similar fashion to a ladder tournament. The winner is the final team left standing.
Things You'll Need:
- Survey questions
- Buzzer
Writer Bio
Dan Chruscinski has written pieces for both business and entertainment venues. His work has appeared in "Screen Magazine" as well as websites such as Chruscinski graduated in 2006 with a degree in English literature from Illinois State University.
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