A wedding rehearsal dinner is a celebration of the bridesmaids and groomsmen who have come together to make the ceremony possible -- a chance for members of the wedding party to share a meal with and possibly get to know other friends and relatives of the couple. Scavenger hunts, icebreaker games and outdoor games can facilitate introductions and relieve some of the stress of wedding planning.
Icebreaker Games
Guests who are strangers can get to know each other by playing icebreaker games such as “Two Truths and One Lie,” in which participants make three statements about themselves and the other players must attempt to guess which is false. The most successful players are typically those who hoodwink others by making outlandish, but actually true, statements. In another introductory game, one person writes questions on separate pieces of paper about the guests’ relationships to the bride and groom, such as, “How did you meet them?” or “What is your favorite memory of them?” The questions are placed in a hat. After guests have drawn questions, each takes a turn answering his aloud for the benefit of the other guests.
Bride and Groom Trivia
In the shoe trivia game, the soon-to-be-married couple sits down with their backs to each other at the front of the room. Each player removes both shoes, exchanging one shoe with the other person. A third person asks the couple questions such as "which of you is the better cook?" or "which of you is the bad driver?" Each player answers by holding up the shoe that corresponds with his answer. Their inability to see each other's answers makes this an entertaining and popular game. Guests might also enjoy a newlywed game in which the bride and groom face off against an older couple to see which couple know each other best.
Scavenger Hunt
Prepare guests to go on a scavenger hunt during the rehearsal dinner by printing a clue list on a sheet of paper made to resemble a wedding program. As the guests file into the reception venue, position someone near the door to hand them pens and pencils. Strategically place clues on napkins, under vases, within potted plants and with specially designated attendants such as the people serving wine and hors d’oeuvres. Finally, establish a spot where participants can deposit their clue list once the scavenger hunt is finished, and award prizes to those who manage to answer all questions correctly.
Outdoor Games
If the weather and location permit, play outdoor games like hide-and-seek, tag, touch football or croquet. Host a volleyball or soccer competition by providing different-colored T-shirts for each team, with the back of each person’s shirt listing the number of years he has known the bride or groom. If two players have known the bride or groom the same length of time, distinguish them with a hyphen and then another number -- for example, “3-1” and “3-2.”
Writer Bio
Boze Herrington is a writer and blogger who lives in Kansas City, Mo. His work has been featured in Cracked and "The Atlantic."
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