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How to Submit Ideas to SNL

If you've always thought your jokes or scripts would make great shorts on "Saturday Night Live" but didn't know how to get your material in the hands of "SNL," this information is just for you. Submitting your own jokes, material or scripts to "SNL" can be done, but there are no guarantees it will be used or that you will receive any credit.

Things You'll Need:

  • Office Supplies
  • Microsoft Word Or Similar Program

Create a cover letter to be mailed with your "SNL" ideas. Be brief but thorough. Include your name, address, telephone number, email and a brief bit of information about the pieces you are submitting. Type the cover letter in a word processing program to ensure readability.

Print a copy of your jokes, scripts, skits or other material. Staple or paper clip all pages together.

Place the cover letter on top of submission materials and place in an envelope.

Mail the contents with proper postage to: Writers (or a specific cast member) c/o Saturday Night Live 30 Rockefeller Plaza New York, NY 10112


If your script, joke, skit or other material is used on "SNL," do not expect any credit or acknowledgment. Material sent to "SNL" becomes their property. By submitting it you waive all rights to ownership.

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