The CESD Talent Agency is one of North America's larger talent agencies with offices in both New York and Los Angeles. They represent performance artists of most commercial forms: actors, puppeteers, models, hosts, dancers and voice over talent. Each art form has its own division and specialized agents with varying expertise. It is important to choose a division to submit to and to contact CESD for any necessary additions to your application as dictated by the field.
Things You'll Need:
- Envelope
- Phone
- Stamps
- Headshots
- Resume
Prepare a headshot of professional quality. The photograph should be high resolution.
Prepare a resume that lists professional experience you have in the industry you are applying for.
Go to and choose either New York or Los Angeles representation. Geographically, the city closest to you is probably the best choice.
Chose your talent field, for example: acting, dancing, puppeteering. Contact the agency phone number listed in the tips section for additional materials needed for submission.
Mail your headshot, resume and supplementary materials to the agency.
Once in a while, CESD offers open audition calls all over the United States. Continue to check the website or contact the agency for information regarding these opportunities.
New York Phone Number: 212-477-1666 Los Angeles Phone Number: 310-475-2111
- CESD is a professional agency. Make sure your resume and headshot are of professional quality before submitting your documents.
Writer Bio
Meredith Hambrin is a freelance writer based in Canada. She has covered film and music for "The Ubyssey" university newspaper and served on the editorial board for "Prism International" literary magazine. Hambrin earned her Master of Fine Arts in creative writing from the University of British Columbia.
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