If you are looking to redecorate your home, wallpaper may be the way to go. Wallpaper provides unlimited colors, patterns, and decorating options to anyone willing to invest the time required to properly hang it. Normally store-bought wallpaper glue or adhesive is required, but you can economically and easily make a homemade paste with starch.
Things You'll Need:
- Large Bowl
- Cornstarch
- Large Pot With Lid
- Large Spoon
- Dash Of Glycerin
Set aside 5 parts water and 1 part cornstarch. Mix 1 part water with 1 part cornstarch in a large bowl.
Boil the remaining 4 parts water in large pot.
Remove boiled water from heat.
Stir the cornstarch mixture into the boiled water.
Add a dash of glycerin to the mixture and stir for approximately 90 seconds.
Cover the pot with the lid and let the paste cool. It's now ready to be used.
Adding glycerin to the paste mixture provides paste with more flexibility as it dries.
If the paste hardens in the pot overnight, simply add small amounts of water and stir to return it to paste form.
- Some insects love feasting on starch. This homemade paste mixture may attract bugs such as silverfish.
- Adding glycerin to the paste mixture provides paste with more flexibility as it dries.
- If the paste hardens in the pot overnight, simply add small amounts of water and stir to return it to paste form.
- Some insects love feasting on starch. This homemade paste mixture may attract bugs such as silverfish.
Writer Bio
Tammi Clements is a Los Angeles, California based fashion, and entertainment writer. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in broadcast communications from the University Of Nevada, Las Vegas. Her articles have appeared in Jane Magazine, Marie Claire Magazine, and Entertainment Weekly. She is currently writing her first novel, and travels the globe in her free time.
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