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How to Make an Amelia Bedelia Costume

Amelia Bedelia is an eccentric children’s literature character that always seems to take commands a bit too literally. This silly housekeeper has done everything from dressing a turkey (in clothes) to dusting the furniture (with powder). First and second grade kids love these silly books and you can help the books come to life for the children by creating your own Amelia Bedelia costume and acting out a story.

Things You'll Need:

  • Black Hat
  • Black Stockings
  • Yellow Silk Daisies
  • Black Dress
  • White Collar
  • White Apron
  • Glue
  • White Cuffs
  • Black Shoes

Find a plain black dress at a store or Goodwill. The dress should not have a collar and should be long-sleeved and knee length.

Sew a white collar and wrist cuffs onto the dress.

Locate or sew a white apron that ties in the back and has laces on the bottom.

Find a black hat with a large brim and turn the brim upwards.

Glue five yellow silk daisies along the front top of the rim.

Locate some black stockings and black flat-bottom shoes.

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