A valance is a great way to perk up a kitchen, powder room or family room. These quick and easy window treatments can add a splash of color to a dull room, or give the appearance of a room makeover on a tight budget. They won't block light, so they need to be accompanied by blinds or curtains if needed for privacy. There are plenty of different patterns to use, and most of them come together quickly and easily.
Things You'll Need:
- Material
- Sewing Machine, Or Needle And Thread
- Embellishments, Such As Buttons Or Cording
- Sewing Shears
Choose material. You'll need two different fabrics that contrast each other. One solid and one patterned that picks up the solid color works well. Two contrasting solid colors also can look great, especially if accented by buttons, cording or other add-ons.
Cut material. You'll need two pieces just longer than the length of your window (or from 6 -12 inches longer if you want a fuller, ruffled valance). One piece should be several inches wider than the other, but cut in exactly the same shape. The longer piece will lay behind the shorter piece, creating a layered look.
Hem both pieces of fabric. Then stitch together at the top. Create room for the curtain rod by stitching two straight lines across the length of both pieces of fabric, about 2 inches apart. You may want to do this several inches below the top edge of the valance so you get a ruffle of fabric above the window.
Add cording or ribbons to the bottom edge. Or fold over part of the top layer and stitch in place with buttons or appliques to personalize your valance.
Hang your new valance. Run a curtain rod through the pocket in the valance and attach to the wall with the shorter layer facing outwards. Fluff and enjoy.
Writer Bio
Cynthia Vukets is a Canadian journalist who has been writing since 2004. Having worked in print and television in Canada, Rwanda and Kenya, her writing has appeared in publications such as "The Daily Nation," "The Times & Transcript" and "The New Times." Vukets has a Bachelor of Arts in journalism from Carleton University.
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