Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson) in the Twilight series, is one of the most well dressed and attractive young men to hit Hollywood in a long time. The Twilight phenomenon is huge, and we all want to dress like Edward or want to date a man who does. The secret to his style is making it look effortless. Here are a few tips to make it look Edward Cullen stole those fashion ideas from you...
Mix a great pair of jeans with a tight fitting shirt. Show off those muscles and wear a nice tight shirt that hugs your great physique. Edward normally wears tight fitting t-shirts with a thick watch or wristband.
Layer, layer, layer. When Edward isn't wearing those tight fitting t-shirts, he's covering up those muscles with layers of clothing. Long Sleeved oxfords, vests, and sweaters. Note that these layers are not baggy, but still tight and conform to his body.
Strap on some Ray Bans and strut your stuff. Throw on those shades and act like you are untouchable. When Edward rocks his Ray Bans no one can take their eyes off of him. Now it's your turn to make heads turn!
The ensemble wouldn't be complete without the tousled hair. It's important to get some hair gel and/or wax and give yourself the spikey, high hair, bed headed look! Edward Cullen's hair is not only part of his body, but it's an accessory.
For a finishing touch, ensure that you have clean smooth skin like Edward Cullen. Keep your skin clean and moisturize daily to keep that milky white smooth skin feel.
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