In his letter to the church at Ephesus, Paul exhorts the church to use God’s armor to withstand the assaults of the devil. Represent each piece of armor with one or more items of food for an inspirational, edible table decoration. This project works well for Vacation Bible School snacks as well as more formal events. Involve participants as their age allows.
The Belt
Represent the belt of Truth with a cooked egg noodle, lasagna noodle or other long, flexible pasta. Choose a buckle based on the width of the noodle, using sliced jumbo olives or apple rings, for example.
The Breastplate
Graham crackers attached to a cookie sheet make a reproduction of the Breastplate of Righteousness. Add shoulder straps from string-type candy to complete the image.
The Shield
Attach sugar cookies to an inverted round pizza pan with dots of frosting to create the Shield of Faith. Remind the children of the purity of faith represented by the white cookies.
The Helmet
Any domed fruit offers possibilities as the Helmet of Salvation. Cut oranges in half for individual helmets on plates or hollow out a melon for a table-sized display.
The Sword
Use a long vegetable to represent the Sword of the Spirit. A shaped stalk of celery or a carrot becomes a sword with the addition of an orange or lemon slice for a hilt.
Writer Bio
Mary Beth Magee began her writing career with an article in the "New Orleans Times-Picayune" more than 40 years ago. She has been published in local and national media, including "Real Estate Today" and "Just Praising God." Magee holds a Bachelor of Science in psychology, with a focus on adult learning, from Elmhurst College.
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