Waterfall is a very popular drinking game for college students. It is a simple combination of drawing cards from a standard deck, then doing what the card commands. It is recommended to have at least 4 players, although more is preferable. Begin by shuffling a deck of cards and laying them all face down in a circle. Each player must also have a cup filled with the alcohol of their choice, such as beer or a mixed drink. Play goes around the circle in a designated direction, with each player drawing a random card and doing what it commands.
Two is Take 2, so the person who draws this card must take two swallows of their drink.
Three is Take 3, so the person who draws this card can give out three drinks to the player of her choice.
Fours, Fives, and Sixes
Four is Girls, so any women present must drink. Five is Right, so if you drew this card, the person on your right drinks. Six is Guys, so any men present must drink.
Seven is I Never, which means the person who draws this card tells the other players something he or she has never done. Anyone else at the table who has done this must take a drink.
Eights designate Sentences, which means the player who drew the 8 says a word. The next player repeats that word and adds another, and the third player repeats those 2 words and adds another, until someone makes a mistake and drinks.
Nine means Rhyme, so if you draw this card, you must say a word. The player on your left must say a word that rhymes. This continues until someone repeats or makes a mistake and must drink.
10 is Rule of Thumb, which means everyone must place their thumb on the floor or the table. The last person to touch his or her thumb to the table or floor must drink.
Jacks and Queens
Jack is Social, so everyone must drink. Queen is Beer, so everyone refills their cup.
King means Rule, so the person who draws this can make up a new rule for the game.
Ace is Waterfall: the person who draws the ace starts drinking, then the next person, and so on. The first person can stop whenever she wants, and when she does, the second person can stop, and so on around the circle.
Writer Bio
Zachary Nguyen is an avid guest writer and editor for a year and a half since 2009. His work appears in three publications at his university, including the weekly newspaper "Argus." He is currently in his third year of pursuing a Bachelor of Arts in mathematics and economics. Nguyen attends Wesleyan University.
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