Coming up with new and exciting craft ideas for kids to make can sometimes be a challenge. If you're stuck for ideas, craft on a theme. Rock-and-roll themed crafts are always fun for kids and their parents or teachers. Everyone can do these edgy music-themed crafts no matter how old you are from toddlers to grandparents.
Rocking Guitar Cards
Help your kids make a card or invitation that really rocks. Get some 8 ½-by-11 cardstock and fold some of the sheets in half. Online, download some free clip art for guitars. Make sure the guitars look like ones a real rock star uses. Enlarge the guitar to use as a template. You want to cut the template into two pieces: the body and the neck. Show the kids how to trace around the template onto the back of a piece of scrap booking paper. Choose scrapbook paper with a rock-music theme. The kids should then cut out their guitars and glue the pieces to the front of the cardstock. Very carefully, punch some tiny holes in the neck and body of the guitar; a regular sewing needle is perfect for this. Thread some thin cording through the holes to make guitar strings. Tie knots on the other side to keep the strings from coming back through, or you could also use a strip of tape to hold them down. Have the kids paint a little bit of glue on the front of the card and then add glitter if desired.
Roll and Rock
Turn up the volume on your favorite rock and roll songs while doing this craft with your kids. Send the kids out to the driveway to collect several small rocks. Tell them to pick up rocks that look different from each other. There is no set number of rocks. While the kids are getting rocks, cover your table with old newspaper or a shower curtain). Set out the lid of a shoebox for each child. Put out different colors of paint on a disposable plate. When the kids come back in from rock picking, show them how to dip the rock in paint, set it on the lid of the shoebox and roll it around. Use different rocks in different colors of paint and watch the cool designs you make. Turn up the rock and roll music and dance around, moving the rocks back and forth (one at a time, please) and create rock and roll designs. Put a sheet of white paper inside the lids of the shoeboxes, if your kids want to do more than just one design.
Kids sometimes recognize rock stars by the clothes that they wear. Help your kids make their own rock star t-shirt by tie dying. Tie-dyeing is fairly easy and best done outside. Buy a plain white t-shirt for each child and a tie-dyeing kit. You will also need plenty of rubber bands. Let the kids roll up and twist portions of their shirts and then put rubber bands on to hold the rolls in place. The children can use the different colors in the tie-dyeing kit to lightly cover portions of the shirt. Leave the rubber bands on the shirts until the dye is completely dry. Cut the rubber bands off, but be careful that you do not cut the fabric of the t-shirt. You may want to wash the t-shirts before the kids wear them and act like rock stars.