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Price Is Right Game Ideas

"The Price is Right" is a classic game show that airs daily on TV and has captivated audiences for decades. Every years, hundreds of players get to enjoy the real-life game, but if you cannot make it to the studio, you can play your own version at home. The games are simple to set up and can provide hours of fun for 3 or more players. You can increase the entertainment by offering real prizes like DVDs, food or gift certificates.


"The Price is Right" is all about consumer knowledge, so the assigned "host" of the show will have to set up prices and games. The easiest way to do this is by purchasing a Sunday edition of a newspaper. The Sunday edition features a collection of local shopping ads that can be used as the game's references. Take ads for electronics, home goods, car dealerships, jewelry and clothing. Cut out the pictures and keep the prices separate. Always remember to base each product off of its retail price rather than the sale price.


Choose which player gets to play first by hosting a "wager" round. Select a smaller-priced item from your collection like a watch, television, DVD or home appliance. Have players use small dry-erase boards to write their wager down. The person who comes closest to the actual price without going over is selected to play the first game.

Dice Game

Select a 4-digit pricing object like a couch or large appliance. Make sure that the retail price has no numbers higher than 6, like $1,563 for example. Have the participant roll a die and place the die underneath the first slot. Have the person repeat this for all 4 numbers. Then go through each number and have the player guess whether the actual number is higher or lower. Repeat this for all 4 numbers and see if they guessed correctly. For example, if a player rolls a 3 and they guess "higher" and the actual number is 5, then they are still in the game. If it was a 1 or 2, they would be out. Tied numbers count toward the contestant. (Note: Specialty dice with numbers larger than 6 are available at hobby and game stores, if you find it's difficult to find items with prices excluding numbers larger than 6.)

Price Picker

Set up three similarly priced objects within $500 to $1,000 of each other. Give the contestant all three prices in random order and have them select the correct price for each object. If they guess them all right then they win the game.

Squeeze Play

Take a 4-digit retail price and add a random fifth digit between the first and last numbers. Players must correctly guess what the extra number is and eliminate it. If the player guesses the correct number they are declared the winner of the game.

10 Dollars

A player can purchase a car for 1 dollar and are given 10 dollars to start off with. The player must select each number in the car's price, and if they are wrong, they must pay the difference with their dollars. If they are out of money before they reach the final price, they do not win the car. For example, if a player guesses a 3 and the number is 5, they must pay 2 dollars.

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