Basic chewing gum is a blend of flavoring, gum base, a softener and sweeteners. The gum base gives chewing gum the ability to remain sticky and chewable without dissolving. Because of gum’s elastic, yet sticky quality, you can blow pockets of air in the gum, often called bubbles. To make a clicking noise with the gum, you must create pockets of air on a smaller scale.
Chew a fresh stick or ball of gum until it is uniformly pliable. Any hard coating should be fully dissolved for the best effect.
Move the gum to one side of your mouth so it is partially resting between your top and bottom molars. Using your teeth and the side of your tongue, stretch a tiny section of the gum to create a pocket of air in the gum.
Bite down firmly on this air pocket. The result should be a small popping or clicking noise. In some cases, you may be able to create several small pockets of air, which will increase the sound as you bite down on them together.
You may need to practice this for a while to get the hang of it.
This works better with firm pieces of gum than softer gum. If gum is too soft, the air doesn’t release from the air pocket as violently and therefore is not as loud.
- This sound can be very annoying to bystanders.
- You may need to practice this for a while to get the hang of it.
- This works better with firm pieces of gum than softer gum. If gum is too soft, the air doesn't release from the air pocket as violently and therefore is not as loud.
- This sound can be very annoying to bystanders.
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