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How to Make an Origami Spider out of a Dollar

Origami has simple and complicated designs for everyone to enjoy.
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David Lister of the British Origami Society says that the first proven example of money folding in the U.S. was in 1956, when Robert Harbin diagramed a folding technique that made one bill look like two. Since then, there have been many who have excelled in this rare art. There are plenty of detailed instructions available, and folding money takes practice. Origami money art is perfect to give as tips in restaurants or for momentous occasions like graduations.

Roll one of the dollar bills, starting in the upper right-hand corner. Make a tight roll and continue until the entire bill is a spiral tube.

Let the bill go, and it will unwind just a little.

Roll the bill in the opposite direction in the same fashion as before to get a tight spiral tube.

Roll the four other dollar bills the same way. Then, fold each of the tubes in half.

Fold the last $1 bill in half lengthwise three times.

Place the folded tubes on the end of the fifth dollar bill in a line. Then, tightly wrap the bill around the legs twice.

Flip the spider so the legs are pointing up, and fold the bill with a 90-degree fold so the bill points upward.

Wrap the bill under the legs of the spider (this is the top side of the finished spider) and up around the front.

Tuck the tail of the bill in between the first and second leg (this is now the bottom of the finished spider).

Keep the spider with the legs pointing upward and bend each leg with a 90-degree fold downward about 1 inch from the body.


The tighter the tubes for the legs are, the better they will stay. Also, the tighter the fifth bill is wrapped around the legs, the better it will look.

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