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How to Make a Leather Box

A flat-top wooden box makes for easy leather application.
Thomas Northcut/Photodisc/Getty Images

Covering any wooden box with leather turns a plain box into an accent piece. Because leather is available in many colors and textures, the creator of such a piece can design it to complement existing furniture and add ambiance to any room. Create a large box to store favorite books or family heirlooms; smaller boxes are convenient to hold photos and desk supplies.

Things You'll Need:

  • T-Square Or Meter Stick
  • Contact Cement Or Other Leather To Wood Adhesive
  • Leather
  • Small Paint Roller Or Natural Bristle Paintbrush
  • Wooden Box
  • Utility Knife

Measure each side of the box that you wish to cover in leather. Mark the measurements onto the flesh side of the leather, then, using the T-square as a straight edge, cut the leather using the utility knife.

Apply a thin layer of the contact cement to one side of the wood box and a thin layer to the corresponding leather piece. Adhere the leather to the wood side.

Rub outward from the middle of the leather-coated wood. This eliminates air bubbles and ensures proper contact for the adhesive to work. Wipe excess from edges with a slightly damp cloth. Repeat for each side of the box.

Allow the box to sit for one hour before using.


Use adhesives in a well ventilated area. Read and comply with all safety details on adhesives. Keep the box away from moisture.

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