The Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) is a classic gaming console that was released by Nintendo in 1993. Fans of SNES games continue to enjoy them through the use of an emulator -- a software package that replicates the SNES gaming experience. In order to play games on an SNES emulator, you need a separate ROM file for specific video game titles. A PlayStation 3 (PS3) has all of the system requirements of a normal computer and is fully capable of handling SNES emulator and ROM installs. However, in order to play non-Sony games on the PS3, you must "jailbreak" it.
Things You'll Need:
- Snes Emulator
- Ps3 Jailbreak Dongle
- Usb Drive
Free Method
Download the GeoHot Jailbreak software; the file downloads as a ZIP archive, called ""
Insert a USB drive into a free port on your computer.
Double-click on the icon for the USB drive; a window opens displaying its contents (it should be empty). Right-click anywhere in the window and click "Create New Folder." Name the folder "PS3."
Double-click the "PS3" folder on the USB drive; inside it, create another folder named "UPDATE."
Double-click on the "" file to unpack its contents. This reveals the uncompressed file, "PS3UPDAT.PUP." Right-click on this file and select "Copy."
Navigate to the USB drive folder "PS3/UPDATE" that you just created, then right-click in the file window and select "Paste."
Eject the USB drive from your computer and then insert it into your PS3 USB port.
Turn the PS3 on and navigate to the "Settings" tab. Next, select "System Update" and then select "Update via Storage Media." A message will confirm "Version 3.55-jb Found." Select "OK" and then select "Yes" to accept the terms and conditions. The PS3 console will update and shut down automatically. This completes the jailbreaking of the system and you can now install an SNES emulator.
Remove the USB drive from the PS3 and insert it into your computer. Double-click on the USB drive icon and delete all the files on it.
Download the SNES emulator from Free ROMS (; it will save as a ZIP archive file. Double-click the ZIP file to unpack the archive files.
Copy the emulator (right-click) and then paste it onto the USB drive. Eject the drive from the computer and then insert it into a PS3 USB port.
Power on the PS3, navigate to the system options and select "Install Package Files." After completion, the SNES Emulator logo appears in your system options.
Commercial Method
Purchase the Jailbreak dongle from the PS3 Break Store.
Unplug the PS3 power cable momentarily and then insert the Jailbreak dongle into a USB port on the PS3. Reconnect the power cable and then power on the PS3.
Attach the USB external hard drive to the PS3.
Navigate to "Install Package Files" on the PS3 settings menu. Select "Yes" when prompted "Do you want to continue Installation." The PS3 is now jailbroken.
Point your browser to Free ROMS ( and download the SNES emulator. Double-click the ZIP file to unpack the archive files.
Insert a normal USB drive; move the unpacked SNES emulator files onto the USB drive. Eject the drive from the computer place it in a free USB port on the PS3.
Navigate to "Install Package Files" and the follow the onscreen instructions to complete the installation. After completion, the SNES Emulator logo appears in your system options.
Writer Bio
Iam Jaebi has been writing since 2000. His short story, "The Alchemist," reached over 250,000 readers and his work has appeared online in Thaumotrope and Nanoism. His novel, "The Guardians," was released in 2010 by Imagenat Entertainment. Jaebi is also a business writer specializing in company naming, concept designs and technical writing. He graduated from Syracuse University with a Bachelor of Science in computer engineering.
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