So you are a Christian singer or band who wants to become an artist with a major Christian record label. Perhaps you are seeking fame and fortune, or perhaps you merely want to get your message out into the world. The Christian music industry is one of the most thriving and competitive ones out there, and it takes knowledge about how the business works in order to succeed. Getting a record deal can be extremely challenging, but knowing the right steps to take can clear the path for you.
Pray about it. What makes Christian artists different from other performers is that they see their music as a form of ministry. If you feel that you are called to share your music with a wider audience, ask for God's direction.
Get known by singing in churches in your local area. You might try calling or visiting the ministers of some churches and asking them if they would allow you to come share your music with their congregations. Usually, churches may allow you to perform one or two songs during their services and, as they become more familiar with you and your music, they may eventually ask you to do a concert or perform at special events. Revivals need passionate singers.
Find an agent who can advise you and who will work to open up doors for you to draw more attention to you and your music. Always do a check to find out if an agent is legitimate first. Never pay anything up front to an agent. An agent only takes a cut of the money that you make from your music.
Make a demo. Make sure you record it in a studio that offers the best sound equipment, so that you sound polished and professional. Never do a demo with an accompaniment track, but use your own musicians and instruments. Get some professional photos of yourself or your band to accompany your demo. Start sending the demo, with the photos, out to record companies that specialize in Christian music artists.
Consider making a music video and submitting it online to any number of sites where you can post your own original videos. If you make a music video of a song you wrote, make sure that it is copyrighted before you submit it, to avoid your work being stolen and credited to somebody else. Building a big fan base online can often drive attention to your music and get Christian music producers to give you a listen.
Move to where Christian record companies are. You can move to Nashville, Los Angeles, Chicago, New York City, or Atlanta. Only move when you have a strong package behind you and feel ready for the big time. All cities that have Christian record companies will want to see that you have established yourself on your own if possible. You need to live close by the big companies. You can get your music out to them and be available immediately if they decide they want you to sign a record deal.
Seek God's direction in how to pursue your music career. It will all fall into place. Work hard and trust in God.
- Don't compromise what you truly believe in for the sake of a record deal. It will come to you if it is meant to be.