The Stroll first became popular in the 1950s and was introduced to a wide audience thanks to "American Bandstand." According to, the Stroll was inspired by the hit song "C.C. Rider" and was created to give the guests on "American Bandstand" a chance to strut their stuff. Learn the Stroll line dance and have yourself a rollicking time.
The Stroll: Leaders
Stand in a line down the middle of the room facing the followers standing across from you in another line about 24 inches away. Stand with your feet about a shoulders' width apart.
Pick up your right foot and put it down to the left of your left foot. Bring your left foot next to your right foot so that you again end up with your feet about a shoulders' width apart. Pick up your right foot again and put it down to the left of your left foot. Bring your left foot next to your right foot again.
Lift your left foot and move it just behind your right foot and then transfer your weight back onto your left foot. Pick up your right foot and place it to the right so that while your feet are about a shoulders' width apart, your left foot is still a little back from your right foot. Pick up your left foot and put it down next to your right about a shoulders' width apart.
Repeat all the steps starting with Step 1, but begin with your left foot.
Add the improvisational section to the Stroll. If you are at the head of the line, go forward until you meet your partner in the middle. There you can grasp hands and do twirls and other steps, rather like a barn dance. End by looping the follower's right arm through your left arm and promenading to the foot of the line. When you reach the end, return to the leaders' line while the follower returns to the followers' line. Repeat Steps 1 through 5.
The Stroll: Followers
Stand in a line down the middle of the room facing the leaders standing across from you in another line about 24 inches away. Stand with your feet about a shoulders' width apart.
Pick up your left foot and put it down to the right of your right foot. Bring your right foot next to your left foot so that you again end up with your feet about a shoulders' width apart. Repeat the first part of this step by picking up your left foot and putting it down to the right of your right foot. Bring your right foot next to your left foot again.
Lift your right foot and move it just behind your left foot and then transfer your weight back onto your right foot. Pick up your left foot and place it to the left so that while your feet are about a shoulders' width apart, your right foot is still a little back from your left foot. Pick up your right foot and put it down next to your left, about a shoulders' width from that foot.
Repeat all the steps starting with Step 1, but begin with your right foot.
Add the improvisational section to the Stroll. If you are at the head of the line, go forward until you meet your partner in the middle. There you can grasp hands and do twirls and other steps, rather like a barn dance. End by looping your right arm through the leader's left arm and promenading to the foot of the line. When you reach the end, return to the followers' line while the leader returns to the leaders' line. Repeat Steps 1 through 5.
Writer Bio
Marjorie Gilbert is a freelance writer and published author. An avid researcher, Gilbert has created an Empire gown (circa 1795 to 1805) from scratch, including drafting the gown's patterns by hand.
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