The pas de bourree is a basic step in jazz dancing that you must learn early on in your dance training. When performing this step, you will be stepping on your feet in a back, side and front pattern. Read on to find out how to perform the pas de bourree correctly so that you can show it off at your next dance class.
Start with your feet shoulder width apart, and place your right foot behind your left foot to go to the back. Step on the ball of your right foot once you've placed it behind your left foot.
Move your left foot out to the side, and step on the ball of your left foot. Transfer your weight briefly from your right foot to your left foot.
Place your right foot in front and step all the way down on it, slightly bending your right knee.
Repeat this process to the other side by moving your left foot to the back and stepping on the ball of your left foot. Then place your right foot out to the side, and transfer your weight briefly to the ball of your right foot. Put your left foot in the front and step all the way down on it, slightly bending your left knee.
Use your arms as well when performing the pas de bourree in jazz dancing. When stepping to the back and to the side, bend your arms with your palms facing down and your fingers almost touching in front of your chest.
Point your left arm straight out to the front and your right arm straight out to the side when your right leg is in front, then bring the arms back into the bent-arm, palms-down position when moving the feet to the back and the side. Place your right arm out to the front and your left arm out to the side when your left leg is in front.
Practice doing the pas de bourree many times until you can do the back, side and front motion quickly with your feet while coordinating smooth arm movements.
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