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How to Do a Herringbone Weave

The herringbone weave is a weaving pattern that is a slight variation of the twill weaving pattern. Whether you are weaving fabric, paper or ribbon, the key to a herringbone weave is to double every other step in the weave. Herringbone weaves are quality children's crafts to introduce kids to the weaving process. Help them make placemats with paper or potholders or table runners with fabric.

Things You'll Need:

  • Craft Knife
  • Paper
  • Glue

Take a large piece of square paper and mark off a 1-inch border all the way around the paper.

Use a craft knife and cut through the paper from the top border to the bottom border every inch.

Cut several strips of paper in 1-inch widths. Make the strips longer than the sheet of paper so that it is easier to work with.

Begin at the top left and begin weaving one strip of paper horizontally through the slits. Bring the strip up through the first slit and down through the second slit. Bring it back up through the third slit and down through the fifth. Come up through the sixth slit and down through the eighth. Continue until the first row is finished. Let the end of the strip hang over the paper, regardless of whether it ends in front of or behind the paper.

Start at the top left and begin weaving one strip of paper. Bring the strip down through the second slit and up through the fourth. Bring it back down through the fifth slit and up through the seventh. Continue until you have finished the second row.

Begin the third row at the right side and draw the paper strip up through the second slit and down through the fourth slit. Bring it up through the fifth slit and down through the seventh slit. Continue until the third row is finished.

Start the fourth row the same as the third, the fifth row the same as the second and the sixth row the same as the first. Then work your way back. The seventh row is the same as the second, the eighth is the same as the third, the ninth the same as the second and the 10th the same as the first. Continue alternating the three patterns until your paper is completely filled.

Finish the herringbone weave by gluing a second sheet of paper over the back of the first. Make the back piece slightly smaller and spread glue all over the back so that each strip is glued down. Trim away the excess strips hanging over the edge of the paper.


Create a vertical herringbone weave by turning the paper on its side and weaving the paper in the same pattern.

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