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How to Convert a Madeira Thread to Brother Thread Colors

Find thread color substitutes with a conversion chart.
spool of thread macro image by Aleksandr Ugorenkov from Fotolia.com

Thread collections from various manufacturers contain similar colored threads with unique names and numbers. Machine embroidery designs usually call for thread from a specific manufacturer by color number. The thread brand specified may not be available locally, or you may already have a thread supply from another manufacturer.

Find thread color substitutes with a conversion chart.
spool of thread macro image by Aleksandr Ugorenkov from Fotolia.com

Things You'll Need:

  • Computer
  • Internet Connection

Go to Sewphisticated Stitcher (see Resources). Scroll down the list on the left-hand side of the page and hover you cursor over Machine Embroidery & Bobbin Thread. Click on “Madeira Thread Conversion Charts.”

Scroll down the page and click on “Brother to Madeira Thread Conversion Chart.”

Find your Madeira thread color number in the Madeira column. Look directly to the left for the corresponding Brother thread color number. Note that Madeira numbers contain four digits and Brother numbers contain one, two or three digits.

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