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How to Contact 20th Century Fox

Contact 20th Century Fox in a variety of ways.
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With one of the most recognizable logos in the entertainment industry, 20th Century Fox is actually a generic name for a number of companies. News Corporation owns the various businesses that use the 20th Century Fox moniker. These companies encompass different aspects of the entertainment industry, including film and television production, home video distribution and other consumer products.


Visit the offices that house Twentieth Century Fox Film Corp. (foxmovies.com), FOX Broadcasting Company (fox.com) and Twentieth Century Fox Television (foxtelevision.com) at 10201 W. Pico Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90035.

Write the film division or Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment (foxconnect.com) and Consumer Products (foxshop.com) at P.O. Box 900, Beverly Hills, CA 90213.

Visit the offices for the home entertainment and consumer products divisions at 2121 Avenue of the Stars, 4th Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90067.


Call the main switchboard at 310-369-1000. This is the main contact for the television division and Fox Studios in Los Angeles.

Contact the film corporation at 310-277-2211.

Dial FOX Broadcasting directly at 310-369-3553.

Press Contacts

Call Chris Petrikin, senior vice president (SVP) of Corporate Communications at the film division, at 310-369-4781.

Contact James Finn, SVP of Corporate and Consumer Communications at the home entertainment division, at 310-369-2940.

Call Gaude Lydia Paez, vice president of Corporate Communications for FOX Broadcasting, at 310-369-3276.

Dial the SVP for Corporate Communications and Publicity of Fox Television, Chris Alexander, at 310-369-2733. Alexander is also the contact for the consumer products division.

Fox Studios

Contact various departments at the studios through the main switchboard or directly.

Call the marketing department at 310-369-4636.

Contact Kimberly Fine in the stages and exteriors department at 310-369-2786.

Dial 310-369-2712 for Walt Rohrenback in special events.

Visit foxstudios.com for a listing of other contact numbers within Fox Studios.

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