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Grants for Cameras

Grants for cameras take work, but are achievable.
reflex camera image by Aleksandr Ugorenkov from Fotolia.com

Many grants are available to independent artists working on specific projects, which can be used for materials, work time, work space, or any number of purposes. Grants for cameras, however, are fewer, and generally geared towards educational institutions. There are grants available for individuals, however. To get them, you will need to demonstrate artistic ability and talent with a portfolio, and prove your purpose with an artist's statement and an application.

Educational Grants

Olympus offers an education grant that awards the teacher that creates the best lesson plan involving digital cameras with $2,000 worth of Olympus cameras. The grant is awarded every month from September to June.

Corporate Grants

It is possible to submit a grant proposal to a major company, such as Canon, Nikon or Apple, and ask them to cover the expenses to supply your class with digital equipment. Speak to specific companies to learn about requirements and opportunities.

Panavision Motion Picture Camera Grant

This grant is particularly for students and donates a 16mm or 35mm camera for the production of a public service announcement, showcase reel, low-budget film or any other short film not made for profit.

Independent Grants

Independent grants are best achieved by applying for artists' grants, which can be used to purchase equipment. While it is rare for an individual grant to include specific equipment with it, you can use the money you get from a grant to purchase whatever type of camera you like.

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