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Dance Steps to the Caballo Dorado

The Caballo Dorado is a type of Mexican Hustle danced to the Spanish version of "My Achy Breaky Heart." It's a real easy dance to learn, especially once you see people doing it. It mixes a little bit of country western dancing with Spanish flavor, and is similar to the popular "Electric Slide" of the '90s.

A quick tip: If your feet had paint on the bottom of them, you would have painted a cross on the floor when you finished the dance. Read these simple steps and you'll be dancing the Caballo Dorado in no time.

Starting Position

The Caballo Dorado is a line dance so it will be performed with however many people choose to join the fun. Once you're lined up in your row you can begin the dance.

Once the music starts, so does the Dorado. Keep your left foot planted at all times, and take a step forward with your right foot. Simultaneously you want to snap your finger. Bring your foot back, and step forward again, snapping your finger in rhythm. You'll continue doing this move until the beat changes up.

Moving Right

Once the beat changes, you'll take two steps to the right while you're still facing forward. Don't cross your feet when you're stepping to the right.

Take one step to the right with your right foot, bring your left foot to touch your right foot, then take another step with your right foot. Bring your left foot over to your right foot, but make sure only your toes step to the floor.

Moving Left

Once you make your second step to the right, you're ready to begin moving to the left. Right after your second step, take a step to the left with your left foot. Bring your right foot over to touch your left foot, and then take another step left with your left foot. Bring your right foot over to your left foot again, but only push your toes against the floor.

Moving Back

Once your right toes are on the floor, you want to push off, and take a step backward. Bring your left foot back to your right, and take another step back with your right foot. Bring your left foot back, but only press your toes to the ground.

Moving Forward

Once your toes press off the ground, take a step forward with your left foot. Bring your right foot to touch your left foot, and then take another step forward with your left foot. Bring your right foot forward, but only press down on your toes. This is where the dance changes. Once your right toes touch the floor, turn your body 90 degrees to the left, or counter-clockwise.

Once you make the turn, you start the dance over from the beginning.

Two steps to the right, two steps left, two steps back, two steps forward, 90-degree turn and repeat.

It's as simple as that.

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