Teaching children morals like forgiveness is difficult because this is a serious lesson that you are trying to discuss. The challenge is always balancing a child's attention while still giving them the freedom to learn in an exciting way. This is why games can be a great learning tool. This type of interaction is provocative, perks their attention and allows them to socialize. Overall children learn best when they are having fun.
Linking Up
Stand in front of the room. You represent the first chain and the rest of the links will be on everyone's left. Ask aloud, "What is the meaning of forgiveness?" Encourage the children to speak up. Have the first brave child that answers come and link arms with you. Then ask, "Have you ever had to say sorry to your mom or dad?" The child that answers will link arms with the child on your left and so on.
Other questions you should ask are "What does it mean when you say, you're sorry?" or "How did you feel when you forgave someone?" Keep asking forgiveness questions until everyone is standing and linked arms. Move towards the child on the other end and link arms with him or her. This should complete your new circle of forgiveness.
Talent Show
This has a modern appeal, for slightly older children. Have a "community poetry slam" for the class period. Get all the children to get comfortable in their desks. Have them all take out one piece of notebook paper and a pencil. Encourage them to write a heartfelt poem about forgiveness, because it's important to be open about it.
Tell them they can be as creative as possible, because soon they will be presenting it in the classroom. Once everyone's done, have everyone go up and recite their poems to the class. Get everyone excited about it by turning on some music. Clap for each performance and award them with a "Blue Ribbon of Forgiveness."
Hot Potato
Bring the children outside with a bright plastic ball or even a real potato as the prop for this game. Have everyone stand in a circle. Tell the children about a time when you forgave someone for something. Toss it to the child on your right and say, "Hot potato!" Now it's that person's turn to share with everyone how they forgave someone.
Let them pass the potato, sharing their stories. Once the "potato" lands in your hands, you can make up other things to say. Try a topic a little hotter, like, "This person that I must forgive was a bully." This will cover some challenges you've had to overcome. This hot potato game will be an encouraging and interactive sharing game.
Writer Bio
Stephanie Flood began writing professionally in 2008. She has been published in local magazines including "Flagstaff Live" and "The Noise." Her work also appears on various websites. She earned a Bachelor of Science in journalism from Northern Arizona University. Flood's writing covers subjects including health, wellness, spirituality, travel, living and outdoors.
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