Finding a spider in your home or garden is unnerving, especially if you live in an area where poisonous spiders are common. Researching the type of spider will keep you from potentially dangerous encounters. Not many spiders have blue markings, and they all have distinct shapes. If you have poisonous spiders living on your property, call your local pest control.
Cobalt Blue Tarantula
The cobalt blue tarantula grows to 4 or 5 inches. It is hairy like a regular tarantula, but a bright shade of blue with iridescent legs, making it a sought-after pet. Cobalt blue tarantulas are nervous and aggressive spiders that will attack at the slightest threat with a very potent venom. They are a burrowing spider and spend most of their time underground. Cobalt blue tarantulas are rare in the wild and are most often seen in captivity.
Golden Silk Orb-weaver
The golden silk orb-weaver is also known as the giant wood spider or banana spider. They are known for their beautiful, golden-colored webs. They come in a multitude of colors and patterns including yellow, red, black, white and blue. Blue is most often the color of their thorax or legs. They are venomous, but not lethal to humans. A bite will cause pain, redness and blisters at the site.
Daring Jumping Spider
The daring jumping spiders grow to about 3/4 inch and have fat, stocky bodies. They are hairy and mostly black or brown, sometimes with iridescent blue markings. The name jumping spider comes from the male, which jumps when a female moves too quickly during mating season. They do not spin webs, but do produce silk. The daring jumping spider is not poisonous and causes no harm to humans.
Happy Face Spider
The happy face spider is know for the unusual markings on its abdomen. It has evolved to look like a "happy face," complete with eyes and a smile, to scare away potential predators. Happy face spiders are most commonly yellow and red, but also have orange, black, white and blue markings. Their bodies are shiny, with a "see-through" appearance, and are not poisonous.
Wolf Spider
The wolf spider is entirely black or brown, but does produce a blue egg sack. They carry their egg sack around to place it in the warmest and sunniest spot so their eggs will develop faster. The blue egg sack can often be mistaken for a part of their body. Wolf spiders are not aggressive, and although their venom is poisonous, it is not lethal to humans.
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