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What Is Table Skirting?

Like a skirt in a wardrobe, a table skirt is a way to dress up a table. Similar to tablecloths, they wrap around the edge of a table leaving the top uncovered. Chosen in a fabric to match existing décor, a table skirt adds style and function to a room.


Table skirting is a decorative way to hide table legs and clutter in a home or during a special event. By concealing what is underneath the table, they offer a simple storage solution.


The two most common types of table skirts are pleated and shirred. They come in a variety of sizes, colors and fabric choices.


Embellish a table skirt with details such as trims, borders and embroidery to add to its decorative impact.


No-sew table skirts require only fabric and a fabric fastener such as Velcro. After cutting fabric to size, attach it to the table edge using adhesive fabric fastener strips.


Plain, solid-color table skirts may be purchased for less than $20. The cost of buying materials to make a table skirt depends on the type and yardage of fabric plus additional supplies needed.

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