Submitting a video to Comedy Central doesn’t require much skill if you know how to use the computer and a video camera. If you’re a comedian looking to showcase some of your talent, Tosh.0 is one place to start. Tosh.0 is a Web show on Comedy Central’s website. With Comedy Central's Tosh.0 Web show, you can gain some exposure for other projects.
Create an original video of a skit or a short one-minute routine. Let someone else record it or record it yourself. Comedy Central requests that these videos be under one minute, but the videos must be some of your best work. Comedy Central prohibits the use of any brand name or non-original song in these videos, so it's important to read the fine print when it comes to submitting videos.
Create an online account with Comedy Central’s Tosh. This will require you to come up with your own user name and password to set up an online account. The site may need your personal information such as your first and last name, your email address to verify the account and possibly your birthday, since some of the content on the show may require you to be of legal age in your state. Also provide information such as your country, zip code, gender, and agree to the terms of service.
Click on the "Upload from Computer" link on the "Submit a Video" page once you've created your account. Click on the "Browse" button to find your video on your computer. Click on the video and click "Open." Click "Upload" once you have been brought back to the "Upload" screen. The instructions also prompt you for your mobile number so that Comedy Central can contact you if it chooses to make your video a featured video. If you have a link to a video to submit instead, copy and paste the link address into the "HTTP" box.
View your content through your online account to see if it's visible to the entire Tosh Community. The last page to display after uploading will let you know whether your video upload was successful or unsuccessful. Watch for your video on Comedy Central’s Tosh.0 Web show.
Make your video memorable; remember, there are tons of videos submitted each day.
- Obey the user agreements; no brand names or popular music are allowed.
- Make your video memorable; remember, there are tons of videos submitted each day.
- Obey the user agreements; no brand names or popular music are allowed.
Writer Bio
Shanea Patterson has been freelance writing professionally since 2006. Her writing interests include travel writing, occupational writing and fiction. She has been published in "InTravel Magazine" and "WAVE Journey Magazine." She also writes for "Inspire Us Magazine." Patterson is currently pursuing a Bachelor of Arts in English from Mercy College.
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