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How to Stop Iron-Ons From Peeling off

Peeling iron-ons can be repaired by using a hot iron.
Jupiterimages/Pixland/Getty Images

A shirt or fabric material that has an iron-on image can begin to peel over time due to the improper adhesive. To fix a peeling iron-on, you need to re-adhere it so that it sticks properly to the shirt or material. To do this, you must apply heat to the iron-on without causing damage to the image during the process.

Lay the shirt or material with the peeling iron-on flat on the ironing board.

Measure the size of the iron-on with the tape measure. Cut a piece of wax paper to this size by using a pair of scissors.

Lay the cut piece of wax paper over the iron-on. Make sure that the wax paper completely covers the entire surface of the iron-on.

Plug the iron into an electrical outlet. Turn on the iron and wait for it to heat.

Position the iron on the wax paper and move the iron steadily over the peeled-off area of the iron-on. Check the iron-on every 10 seconds to 15 seconds. Verify that the iron-on is starting to re-adhere to the material.

Hang the shirt or material on a hanger and allow it to air dry.

Things You'll Need:

  • To keep the iron-on from peeling, you need the following:
  • Ironing board
  • Wax paper
  • Tape measure
  • Scissors
  • Iron
  • Hangers


Do not place the shirt or material in the dryer after washing. Allow it to air dry.

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