Waterford grandfather clocks were early American grandfather clocks made from fine wood. The Waterford clock has inner and outer mechanisms that run in synchronized fashion. If the inner mechanisms are not working, the outer mechanisms will fail to regulate the clock. Since these parts work together, if one mechanism is malfunctioning it may throw off the timing, rhythm and chimes within the clock. You will need to examine and adjust the whole clock to ensure it is realigned and in proper working order. There are also modern Waterford mantel clocks made out of crystal.
Waterford Mantel Clocks
Examine the inner mechanisms of a Waterford mantel clock. Waterford mantel or crystal clocks run mainly by inner mechanisms, which control the clock hands on the face dial. Open up the back of the clock with small pliers and look at the spring. Check to see if it is old and rusty.
Remove the spring if it's old,and replace it with a new one. Oil the spring with clock oil if spring is in working order. Place a small amount of clock oil on the pivot points of the clock and on the gears of the clock, where the sections of gears touch. Oil the clock once every three years.
Examine the hands of the clock on the clock face. Make sure the hands are not sticking together. Place a small amount of oil underneath the minute hand. Remove the minute hand by loosening the nut that holds the hands together. Remove the minute hand carefully, and place a small dot of oil in the hole. Reattach the minute hand and tighten the nut back in place. Don't over-tighten the nut. Set the time on the clock face.
Waterford Grandfather Clocks
Repair a Waterford grandfather clock in the place it will remain permanently. It is not a good idea to move a grandfather clock after the clock is set, for movement can disturb the rhythm of the clock and settings.
Adjust the balance of the clock by placing a small piece of carpet or wood underneath the clock if it is off balance. Push the clock up against a flat surface wall for support. Examine the inner mechanisms -- which are similar to mantel clocks -- and oil the springs and gears in the pivot points.
Examine the weights of the clock to make sure they are not twisted. Look at the bottom of the weights where they are marked left, right and center, and adjust accordingly. Make sure the pendulum is hung up correctly, with the shiny pendulum bob facing front.
Adjust the chime bar so that the chimes are not interfering with the weights. Set the time on the clock. Move the small hand counterclockwise until the clock chimes. Wind the larger hour hand around one time, resting it on the number 12. Do not over-wind.
Things You'll Need:
- Small pliers
- Clock spring
- Clock oil
Writer Bio
Linda Stamberger began writing professionally in 1994, as an entertainment reporter for "Good Times Magazine." She has written online copy for The Volusia Community website and is the author of "Antiquing in Florida." Stamberger studied creative writing at Southampton College, where she won a partial writing scholarship.
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