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How to Play the Card Game "Steal the Pile"

Steal the Pile is an easy card game for young children.
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Produced by TwinBlade Games, Steal the Pile is a simple card game for children of all ages. Using a standard deck of cards, players attempt to “steal” piles of cards by matching cards of an equal value. Although it can be played by up to 12 people, Steal the Pile is best played with two to four people. If more than seven people are playing, use two decks of cards.

Shuffle the deck thoroughly to ensure that they are in random order.

Deal four cards to each player face-down. This represents your hand.

Deal another four cards face-up in the center of the playing area where each player can reach. These cards represent the open piles.

Begin play with the player to the left of the dealer.

Play a card from your hand. If the number value matches one of the open pile cards, steal the pile and place it face-up in front of you. If the card does not match one of the piles, place it face-up in the center of the playing area, thus creating a new open pile.

Continue with the player to the left. If his card matches one of the open piles or a player’s pile, he steals it, placing it on top of the pile in front of him (if he has one).

Steal a pile from any player or open pile if your card matches the top card of a pile. You can also steal your own pile by matching the card on top of it.

Continue around the table until all players have played their cards.

Begin a new round with the player to the left of the original dealer. Pick up the deck and deal four cards to each player. Start the next round with the player to the left of the new dealer.

Continue playing rounds until all of the cards in the deck have been played. At the end of the game, the player with the least amount of cards in his pile gets all of the open pile cards. If two players have an equal number of cards, split the open piles.

Win the game by having the most cards in your pile.


For games with five players, use only two open piles at the beginning and deal out three cards to each player instead of four. In the final round, only one card is dealt to each player.

For six-player games, create four open piles but only deal out three cards to each player. In the final round, only two cards are dealt to each player.

For games with seven or more players, use two decks.

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