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Peavey KB 100 Amp Specs

The Peavey KB 100 amplifies keyboards.
Photodisc/Photodisc/Getty Images

Peavey's KB 100 amplifies signals from keyboards and similar instruments. Offering multiple input channels, it gives professional musicians the ability to use up to three keyboards at once while also supporting external effects processors and other sound modifiers. Thanks to its built-in speaker and preamp outputs it can be used as a standalone unit, or connected to a larger sound system's amplifiers and speakers when greater volumes of sound become necessary.

Amplifier Power

Peavey rates the KB 100 to produce 75 watts of power, measured on an RMS basis, into an 8-ohm load. Although its DDT compression system gives it up to 20 decibels of additional dynamic range, it clips at 78 and 84 watts when driven with a constant signal. The KB 100 is quiet, with any hum and noise occurring at least 90 decibels below the signal when operating at its rated power.


Operating at 70 watts, the KB 100 produces extremely little distortion, as indicated by its 0.2 percent THD rating. When it clips at 78 watts, the distortion hits 1 percent, and at the hard clipping limit of 84 watts, THD reaches 5 percent. You can control the KB 100's distortion by using its DDT compression feature, although. DDT keeps distortion below 1 percent, even if the amplifier has a 16-decibel overload.


The KB 100 allows you to tailor the sound that it produces to your preferences and to the needs of the venue. It features four equalizers - one for bass, one for mid-bass, one for mid-treble and one for treble. The equalizers are controlled by knobs on the front panel and have their areas of effect centered around 80, 400, 2000 and 8000 hertz, respectively. Every equalizer allows you to boost or cut that frequency by up to15 decibels.

Inputs and Outputs

With three line-level patch cord inputs, the KB 100 can amplify up to three different instruments. You can also connect a balanced device with an XLR connector to channel one. It offers an input/out terminal for you to connect an external effects processor, as well as preamp out and power-amp in terminals on its back panel. Finally, the KB 100 lets you connect a remote pedal to control its reverb capabilities as well as offering a port for stereo headphones.

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