Paying close attention to detail and being able to accurately describe your bottle will be crucial to finding out how much your old bottle is worth. When attempting to find the market value of your bottle know the exact wording on the label, the color of the bottle, its condition, style and shape. Be prepared to do some research to accurately price your old bottle.
Determine the type of bottle you have by inspecting the bottle's size, width, color and thickness. For instance, the most popular antique bottles are Coke or Pepsi bottles, milk bottles, cologne bottles and fruit jars. Soda bottles will usually have the product label designed in the glass (also known as "raised lettering"), milk bottles will have wide openings and cologne bottles can be small and square-shaped.
Visit the Antique Bottles website to begin to get some idea of what your old bottle is worth. No detail is too small when evaluating your old bottles. For instance, old Pepsi bottles with red, white and blue labels and in perfect condition are worth $25 each while Pepsi bottles with only red and white labels are worth less than one dollar.
Determine what kind of bottle you have by working your way through the descriptions listed on the Antique Bottles website. Then log on to and type the name of your bottle into the search bar to see how much it is selling for. Now you can determine how much your old bottle is worth.
Writer Bio
Jason Alexander began his professional writing career in 2003. He has worked as a staff writer at several different newspapers, including the "Eagle Times" and the "Northwoods Sporting Journal." He has a Bachelor of Arts in English from a university in New England.
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