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How to Spot a Fake Diploma

How to Spot a Fake Diploma. The common ground between two or more educated individuals is the presence of a diploma. Teachers, writers and doctors can identify the caliber of a colleague's work by looking at the school named on the official document. Your skill at spotting a fake diploma will help you steer clear of partnerships and investments with unsavory individuals. Read on to learn how to spot a fake diploma.

Feel a diploma between your index and thumb finger to assess the qualities of the paper. Legitimate diplomas are printed on a heavyweight paper with a slight gloss for durability.

Glance at the front and back of a diploma to spot any toner or printer marks on the document. A fake diploma printed on a commercial machine may have small marks where the paper shifted within the machine while printing.

Research the proper name of the university to spot a fake diploma immediately. The placement of the words university and college in the wrong spot on a diploma should send up warning signals in your mind.

Place a suspect diploma at an angle underneath a bright light to look for watermarks. The majority of universities use a watermark in the shape of the school seal visible with direct light for security purposes.

Compare the seal on a fake diploma to approved seals by the issuing institution before making an accusation. A quick search of a school's website will help you spot a forged diploma based on this simple mark.

Inspect the signatures of the chancellor and secretary of the school in question to spot a fake diploma. Each signature should feature actual ink instead of a copied signature to ensure legitimacy.

Read the name of the title earned on the degree to confirm your suspicions about a diploma. Undergraduate and graduate diplomas use the full name of the degree instead of initials like BA, MA and Ph.D.

Complete your inspection of a diploma with a review of ink and font consistency. A switch from black to a dark blue ink indicates a forged diploma. A small adjustment in fonts on a real diploma is unlikely, as print shops have strict guidelines for diplomas.


Place a fake diploma next to a legitimate diploma from the same school to assess the legitimacy of a document. You should know the age of the real diploma so you can take into account fading and discoloration from exposure to sun.

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