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How to Sew a Wedge Pillow

A wedge pillow can provide back, neck and leg support, and be an attractive and comfortable addition to any decor. It can be made on a sewing machine or sewn by hand, and can be removable or non-removable. Creating a wedge pillow is an inexpensive sewing project that can be completed in less than three hours.

Things You'll Need:

  • Sewing Machine
  • Zipper, If Desired
  • Needle For Hand Sewing
  • Thread To Match Fabric
  • Fabric To Cover Pillow Form (Amount Depends On Size)
  • Pins
  • Foam Wedge Pillow Form

Lay fabric right side down. Trace each side of the wedge pillow on the fabric, leaving at least one inch between shapes. There will be outlines of the two side triangles, and the front, back and bottom rectangles.

Cut out fabric shapes, leaving at least one-half of an inch for a seam on each piece. (Do not cut along the lines you have traced; leave room for a seam.)

Right sides together, pin the fabric for the wedge pillow front to the triangular sides. Try it on the form loosely and adjust pins so that it fits. Baste seams and remove pins.

Pin the fabric for the wedge pillow back to the front and sides. Turn right side out and try on wedge pillow foam form. Adjust pins for a perfect fit, then baste.

Check for fit, then sew seams. Remove basting stitches. Try on pillow form.

If the cover is going to be non-removable, pin, baste and sew three sides of bottom fabric on the cover. Stuff the wedge pillow form into the cover, then sew fourth side neatly by hand. If the cover is going to be removable, follow directions above, but on the fourth side of the bottom, install a zipper.


Choose medium-weight fabric that is easily spot-cleaned, especially if your cover is non-removable. Corduroy and lightweight denim and canvas are all good choices. Measure pillow form to determine the exact amount of fabric you will need. Be sure to figure in seams.


  • Avoid very light or heavyweight fabrics. Look for something durable yet easy to sew.
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