There are many pinstriped guitars from famous musicians that are collectibles. You can free-hand pinstripe a guitar for personalizing and customizing your instrument. Select from simple designs to complex ones. Choose one color or multiple colors.
Things You'll Need:
- Fine Tipped Artist Paint Brush
- Scissors
- Small Mixing Cup Or Painter’S Palette
- Clean, Lint Free Rags
- Acrylic Paint(S)
- Fine-Tipped Permanent Marker
- Pencil
- Paint Brush Cleaner
- Paper Towels
- Cardboard Guitar Cutout
- Regular Guitar
Trace two outlines of your guitar onto individual pieces of cardboard. Cut out with scissors. You should now have two cardboard guitars to work with. Draw blocks for the bridge, strings, frets, pickup control, volume and tone controls and tremolo.
Draw the pinstripe design free-hand onto one of the cardboard cutouts. Use a pencil. Trace with a fine-tipped magic marker. This will give you practice controlling the design.
Make adjustments to the pinstripe design. Draw the final design selection on the second cardboard guitar with a fine-tipped magic marker. This will be your pattern to follow to pinstripe a guitar.
Pour a small amount of acrylic paint into a mixing cup or on a painter’s palette.
Hold artist paint brush at a 45 degree angle and dip 1/4 of the brush head into the paint. Shake brush up and down twice to remove excess paint.
Apply paint to guitar following the pinstripe pattern of the cardboard guitar (from Step 3). Paint design until brush is dry. Repeat Step 5 to pinstripe a guitar.
Air-dry your pinstriped guitar a minimum of 72 hours before using.
Blot artist brush with paper towels between dips into the paint. Thoroughly clean brush when changing paint colors, or use a new brush.
- Do not overload the brush with paint or the design will be too wide.
Writer Bio
Daniel Smith graduated from technical school in 1993 and has been writing since 2005. His has written numerous articles for the instructional website called eHow in areas including gardening, home improvement, celebrating special events and health-related topics.
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