Things You'll Need:
- Acrylic paint (pint, quart or gallon)
- Water
- Soap
- 2 paint brushes
- Can of spray varnish for cement
- Rag
- Masonry primer (pint, quart or gallon, depending on statue size)
Give your statue plenty of time to dry before adding layers. Adding layers to wet paint could ruin the colors of your statue.
It can be confusing and sometimes frustrating trying to find the right process for painting cement statues. This can be overcome, however, with the right information and guidance. The brushes you use will not matter. Normal paint brushes will do this job. To paint a cement statue, some preparation time and money will be involved, but if you follow these instructions carefully, it can be an easy and enjoyable project.
Clean the statue with the rag, soap and water, then let the statue dry.
Use the paint brush to apply a solid coat of masonry primer to the statue. Wait for the primer to dry.
Using your second paint brush, paint the statue with the acrylic paint. You may need to apply two coats to be sure the colors are solid. Let the paint dry.
Spray the statue with the can of varnish to add a shine to your statue, then display it.
Writer Bio
Josh Repka has had honors bestowed on him throughout his academic experience, and has received recognition for his works in the field of English, Writing and Literacy. He has been writing since 1999. He received a Bachelor of Arts in philosophy, with a minor in literature from Ave Maria University. He has been published on and
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