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How to Make Your Own Spock Ears

Though the "Star Trek" franchise has resulted in the creation of hundreds of alien makeup concepts, none are quite as famous as Mr. Spock's pointy Vulcan ears. With some basic casting and latex modeling supplies, you can create your own custom-fit versions replicas of these prosthetic ears, whether you're dressing up for Halloween or the next Trekkie convention.

Things You'll Need:

  • Shower Or Swim Cap
  • Plaster Of Paris
  • Ear Plugs
  • Disposable Paint Brushes
  • Paper Towels
  • Two Small, Disposable, Resealable Containers
  • Liquid Latex
  • Petroleum Jelly

Prepare your ears and head. Insert foam earplugs to prevent any plaster getting into your ear canal. Cover your hair with a swim or shower cap and coat the ears and surrounding areas with petroleum jelly.

Make a cast of your ear in plaster. Mix the plaster powder with water and fill your small resealable container with wet plaster. Tilt your head on its side and press the container against it, pressing your ear into the plaster.

Create a replica mold of your ear. Press modeling clay into the plaster impression to create a recreation of your ear.

Form latex ear shapes over the clay model ear. Make the tip by soaking a small piece of paper towel in liquid latex and folding it over the top of the ear. Pinch the tip to a point, then curl the point back in the direction of the face (this will distinguish the ears from other types of pointy costume ears). Coat this tip, as well as the rest of the top half of the ear model, in a couple thin coats of liquid latex using disposable brushes. Let dry for an hour.

Repeat Steps 2 through 4 with your other ear.

Remove the ear tips and apply them to your own ears. Peel the dried latex shapes off the clay models and pull them gently over your own ears like gloves. Secure them using a little liquid latex as glue and blend in place with makeup.

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