Throughout the years, World Wrestling Entertainment has gone through its fair share of wrestlers, but one of the most bizarre may have been Mankind. Mankind was played by Mick Foley, and Foley himself has become a household name. When Halloween comes, there will be many people dressed up as WWE superstars and Mick Foley’s costume is an easy one to create and entertain with.
Things You'll Need:
- Brown Face Paint
- Wig
- Pillow
- Marker
- Sock
- Cactus Jack T-Shirt
- Sweat Pants
- Flannel Jacket
Use a pillow to add extra girth to your costume. Mick Foley is not the smallest of wrestlers, and while he is not that big either, he has a little weight to him that should be represented with a small pillow.
Wear a Mick Foley shirt for the base of the costume. Most of this will covered up so it will not be necessary, but any wrestling shirt will do as long it holds the pillow in tight.
Get a flannel jacket or button-up shirt. The red and black flannel has become for a trademark for Foley in the wrestling ring, and he is seen it almost every time he wrestles now. You can wear this open or buttoned up as Foley has done both.
Grow your hair out or get a long, brown-haired wig. Foley has had short hair on rare occasions, but is almost never seen without his trademark messy long hair. There is not styling that needs to be done, just keep it as it is.
Use face paint to put on a fake beard and mustache. This adds to the Foley look, and hopefully a WWE t-shirt will help distinguish you from a homeless man costume.
Decorate a sock with a face using a black marker. This is Foley’s trademark sock puppet named Socko. Wear this on your hand like Foley does in several of his matches.
Put on a pair of sweatpants. Foley has always kept it casual with a pair of relaxing sweatpants, and this will help keep you relaxed on Halloween, as well.
Add in extra things like fake stitches, wrestling gear or even a barbed-wired baseball bat to complete the costume.
Writer Bio
Alan Donahue started writing professionally in 2003. He has been published in the Norwich Free Academy "Red & White," UNLV's "Rebel Yell" and on various websites. He is an expert on wrestling, movies and television. He placed second in the NFO Screenwriting Contest and received filmmaking awards from Manchester Community College and Norwich Free Academy. He currently attends Academy of Art University.
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