A child's Jack and the Beanstalk costume is fun and easy to pull together by using a few basic items from your child's closet. Add to this a couple of highly recognizable items that only Jack would have and it makes for a costume hit.
Things You'll Need:
- White shirt
- Belt
- Brown pants
- Sandals or flip flops
- Hat
- Vest or brown T-shirt
- 1/2 yard brown fabric
- Sewing machine
- Leather shoelace
- Five large beans
- Plastic egg
- Gold spray paint
Create the Basic Layer
Jack is a poor boy who is down on his luck. This is a simple look to accomplish. Put on the white shirt. If it has long sleeves, roll them up once or twice. Put on brown pants, rolling them up 3 inches below the knee. Leave the shirt untucked. Tie the belt around your child's waist. If you don't have a belt, cut a 4-inch wide piece of fabric and use this for a belt. Add sandals.
Add Accessories
The second layer to this costume includes adding a hat and a vest. Jack typically wears a hat with a feather in it, but any hat other than a ball cap will do. If you can't dig one up, hit the local secondhand shop. Jack's vest should be layered over the belt. If you don't have a vest, cut a brown T-shirt down the middle and turn it inside out to cut off the sleeves.
Add Jack's Special Items
Everyone knows Jack starts off with five magic beans that he receives for the trade of his cow. To create this bag cut a 10-by-5-inch rectangle from brown fabric. With fabric right side up, fold in half and sew the two side seams. Turn right side out and place five beans inside. Tie the pouch closed with a leather shoestring, and tie to the child's belt.
During the course of the story Jack also steals a golden egg from the giant. Spray paint a plastic or foam egg with gold spray paint and have Jack carry this as a part of his costume.
Writer Bio
Long-time writer, quilter, knitter, crocheter and all-around crafter, Pam Hillestad also teaches high school English, and helps high school seniors get in touch with their creative genius before they head out into the real world.
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