A signature is a handwritten representation of a name, commonly used as proof of identity on documents. Although it does not necessarily need to be complex, a signature that's more individualized will be harder to reproduce, thereby reducing the chances of forgery. Because you will sign your name countless times, it's good to have a signature that is representative of your style and personality. Before you come up with your stylized signature, decide on the name you are going to use. Many signatures incorporate both the first and last name. Your signature can use one, both or any combination of the two, such as a name and an initial.
Write your chosen name on paper. Use your usual handwriting. Because signatures typically need to fit on a line, make sure your text is not too big.
Stylize your text. Depending on your personal style and preference, this can be done in a number of different ways. Some ideas include making the first letter larger than the rest, making the first letter cursive, giving your text a backward or forward slant, connecting all letters by writing all letters with one continuous line, extending vertical lines (in letters such as "l", "t", "i", "f") upward or downward. Remember that the letters do not need to be recognizable. You may want to have letters merge, overlap or stylize them in a unique way. Be creative. You may have many versions of this text before you settle on your favorite.
Add detail to help distinguish your signature. Consider adding an underline, a loop or a strike-through line. Try to connect these to the letters in your text. For instance, a strike-through line may double as a cross through a "t," and a loop can be a part of an "e" or an "s."
Visit a free website to style your fancy signature online if you wish. Visit My Live Signature, and use the signature creation wizard to generate ideas for a your signature or to view elements you might want to add to your own design.
Remember that it is not necessary to write your text in order. For instance, you can write your last name first, and then write your first name or a first initial in front or overlapping your text. Be original. Once you have come up with a fancy signature that you like, practice it until you are able to execute it swiftly and confidently. Try using different kinds of pens. You may find it easier to get creative with a high-quality gel pen or even a fountain pen.
- Be sure that your signature is easy enough for you to write quickly, but unique enough to be difficult to replicate by others. Since a signature serves as proof of identity, keep it safe, and do not teach others how to sign it. Try not to change your signature too often. Since it appears on many legal documents, places like banks and government offices may question the validity of the documents you signed based on that change.
- "Modern Calligraphy and Hand Lettering: A Mark-Making Workbook for Crafters"; Lisa Engelbrecht; 2010
Writer Bio
Allie Gore is a Toronto-based writer and editor with over five years experience in the field. She has served as a submissions editor for Existere and a health and wellness writer for HealthAware.ca. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in English from York University and currently works in advertising.
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