Breech cloths are also known as loin cloths. These simple garments cover the general groin area to retain modesty while also allowing for movement. This style is most often worn by males but can also be worn by women. Although traditionally many breech cloths are made out of skins or hides, this garment can also be constructed using a soft, sturdy cotton material.
Things You'll Need:
- Sewing Machine
- Measuring Tape
- Scissors
- Sewing Notions
- Pins
- Belt
- Cotton Or Cotton Blend Material, 3 Yards
Mark out two large rectangles measuring 24 inches wide and 60 inches long, each on the cotton cloth. Cut out the two rectangles using a pair of scissors.
Place one of the rectangles right-side-up on a flat, even surface. Place the second rectangle right-side-down on top of the first rectangle. Pin the perimeter of the rectangles together. Use fabric pins that have a straight body and a small, round head at one end to make for easy insertion and removal.
Sew along the perimeter of the rectangles, following the pins that you put in place in Step 2. Leave approximately 3 inches open near the final corner of the rectangle. Turn the two rectangles right-side-out using the small opening. Tuck in the raw edges of the small opening when the garment is right-side-out. Sew the small opening closed using a sewing machine.
Place the breech cloth between your legs lengthwise so that you have one long side facing forward and one long side facing back. Put a large belt on, trapping the front panel and the back panel in place. You should now have a foot or two of fabric hanging over the edge of the belt on the front and the back.
Use a thick cotton in a dark color to ensure that you are completely covered while using the breech cloth.
- Use a thick cotton in a dark color to ensure that you are completely covered while using the breech cloth.
Writer Bio
Sarah Vrba has been a writer and editor since 2006. She has contributed to "Seed," "AND Magazine," Care2 Causes and "202 Magazine," among other outlets, focusing on fashion, pop culture, style and identity. Vrba holds an M.A. in history with an emphasis on gender and fashion in the 19th century.
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