A rhombus is a type of four-sided parallelogram with opposing sides of equal length. It looks like a square that’s been stretched. Some common rhomboid-shaped items are diamonds and kites. Knowing what the shape looks like makes it easier to draw. Start with component parts in two dimensions, and then cut and assemble the pieces of paper to form the final 3D rhombus. Make small or large diamond shapes. Make one or a number of them. Hang them on strings from the ceiling and try different paper media for variety of effects.
Things You'll Need:
- Scissors
- Marker
- Ruler
- Non-Gloss Tape
- Construction Paper
Set out a sheet of construction paper on a flat surface.
Line a ruler next to the paper’s edge. Draw a straight line, and move the ruler down the paper several inches. Draw another straight line that is parallel to the first.
Angle the ruler to create and then draw a diagonal line to connect the two parallel lines. Any arbitrary angle is fine, as long as it fits within the boundaries of the paper. Don’t be concerned with overlapping lines.
Slide the ruler to the opposite side of the paper, maintaining the same angle. Draw the final line by marking one that is parallel to the one you drew on the opposite side.
Cut out the rhombus shape with scissors, and then use it as a template to create another shape. Place the cutout rhombus on top of a sheet of construction paper and cut another rhombus of equal size and shape.
Measure the long and short sides of the rhombus. Draw a rectangle, using these two measurements, on a piece of construction paper. Draw a square using the short measurement.
Cut the rectangle and square and use them as templates to create and cut out one more of each.
Lay out the rhomboids, rectangles and squares. Set the two rhomboid-shaped pieces on top of each other so they match. Fold the top one away from center and push to one side.
Put one of the rectangles between the two rhomboids and tape at the fold. Tape the other rectangle to the outside edge of one of the rhomboids.
Tape the squares to the opposite edges of one of the rhomboids. Connect the 3D rhombus together by taping up the remaining seams. Use enough tape to enclose all edges.
A square is a special case of the rhombus, meeting the criteria for opposite sides of equal length.
Conceal all paper edges using non-gloss, transparent tape.
Imprecise measurements will make a difference in the finished product. Make accurate measurements and cuts to attain a precise 3D rhombus.
Alternative to making templates, cut two shapes at the same time, using double pages.
Writer Bio
Erin Moseley is an advocate for science education. Since 1985, she has written numerous technical, user and training manuals for major corporations, public agencies and universities. She holds a Bachelor of Science in geology.
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